Diamond Kaleidoscope 🌔 September 20 2013
- scroll to explore.
- hi!
- i'm dvncan.
- designer & developer
- living in dc
- currently building things
- for the Washington Post
- I wish the web
- brought more joy
- to the world
- creatively solving problems,
- making the web and world
- a nicer place to inhabit
- this is my digital space
- to experiment
- so I'm sorry
- if things look wonky
- to you
- I love coffee
- and beer/scotch
- and meeting awesome people
- if that sounds cool to you
- send me an email
- hello@dvncan.com
- or hit me up on
- my twitter
- @duncangraham
- if you've gotten
- down this far
- it's your lucky day!
- because I've written
- a haiku for you:
- beautiful diamond
- mesmerizes with colors
- your new overlord
- - fin -
- i'd be stoked
- if you checked out
- some stuff i've made
- that's the end.
- it'll restart
- if you keep scrolling down </ul> </div>